Our consulting services are here to help your institution implement STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) and Computer Science programs.
STEAM frameworks provide exciting opportunities for creative, cross-curricular instruction, and to bring together faculty and students of diverse backgrounds and interests.
Computer Science, an emergent, multidisciplinary field, teaches creative problem solving through technology.
Makerspace Design & Support
Makerspaces are the classrooms of the future! These flexible learning environments contain seating, work surfaces, materials, and fabrication tools and/or machines. Use the space as a classroom one day, then break the tables apart for small group or individual projects. A Makerspace is a 21st-century workshop that produces knowledge every day.
Makerspaces are great settings for breaking the silo culture in a school, inviting teachers of every discipline to lead hands-on, creative assignments that include and reward every student, while reinforcing important life skills. Let us help you design, implement, and maintain your school's space!
Computer Science Tutoring
Computer Science can be a difficult subject for students to acquire. Unlike traditional subjects, learners are challenged to design and discover the path to a solution, not to merely apply a predetermined formula. Applying these tools and assembling them into a working program can be a daunting task.
We have tremendous experience teaching Computer Science to students of all ages. We firmly believe that everyone can acquire the science, and the skills involved will serve well in any career. We're eager to help you find success with CS and to better understand our increasingly technological world.