Consulting for Computer Science and STEM/STEAM Programs
We offer consulting services for K-12 schools looking to introduce, develop, enhance, or support technology programs or courses. Whether you're looking to realize a new initiative, train faculty, alter curricula, or ensure academic integrity, we can support you with our decades of classroom, leadership, and academic research experience. Our areas of expertise are in Computer Science coursework and STEM/STEAM program development.
STEM/STEAM programs tightly integrate the oft-siloed Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics curricula. The result can be an exciting environment where students simultaneously acquire content and apply it in creative projects. This in turn enhances student engagement and mastery of the material, as well as provides opportunity for teamwork, leadership, personal expression, and connections to the local community.
STEAM courses might include topics and skills such as robotics, entrepreneurship, electronics, materials science, fabrication, public speaking, etc. There are limitless cross-disciplinary connections that are valuable to young learners. STEAM courses provide a great arena for students to make practical application of the content under study. Makerspaces make great classrooms for STEAM courses!
Secondary schools are also expanding their traditional academic courses by offering Computer Science courses. Experience in CS has become highly valued in workplace and academia, and it synergizes well with and reinforces many lessons from other disciplines. Plus, practicing CS gives students access to a powerful new creative tool, and gives them greater insight into the devices and services that they use every day.
Learning Computer Science not only imparts modern technology skills, but also requires that students consider problems in an analytical fashion. Students explore problems in great depth and with a highly critical eye for detail. CS asks students to find patterns in problems, then challenges them to explain these patterns to a machine. The result is a highly cerebral exercise that results in a tangible product.
Computer Science courses might feature programming, mathematics, and linguistics topics. Students are typically introduced via basic programming languages and tasks, such as creating webpages or simple games, or instructing a robot. One focal point at the secondary level is the College Board's AP Computer Science courses, AP CS Principles and AP CS A.
We're eager to help your institution improve student achievement in technology! Contact us to get started!